Case Study No. 1
Check the appropriate Roles from the list and click on the Subscriptions as per the image shown below. In our case, the roles are Purchase Team Lead and Purchase Analyst
Select the Level 1 checkbox for the role Purchase Team Lead as shown in the below image.
And select the Level 2 checkbox for the role of Purchase Analyst, as shown in the image below.
So, as per our approval policy, it will be redirected to employee ‘B’ first level of approval as it exceeds the limit of 1000 USD. Also, the user cannot Convert the document to the succeeding document, as you can see in the below screenshot.
The below page will appear on your screen; you will see the Purchase order, which we have created PO No. PO0225. The approver (B) will click the Approve button, and the order will be approved and submitted.
Case Study No. 2
So, as per our approval policy, it will be redirected to Employee C’s second approval level as it exceeds the limit of 2000 USD. Also, the user cannot Convert the document to the succeeding document, as you can see in the below screenshot.