Shortcut Keys in Sage 300 ERP – II

By | September 11, 2013

In our previous blog, we discussed about shortcut keys of Sage 300 ERP. Here, are few more shortcut keys user can use while using Sage 300 ERP.

1. F4 – Populates Calendar in transaction screen.


The New Stuff: Material Requirement Planning in Sage 300 ERP

2. Alt + Down Arrow/F4 – Displays the list of entire items in drop down.

3. Space Bar – User can use Space Bar to check/uncheck check-boxes

Space Bar

4. F1 key – If user want to view information about the screen, say for an instance purpose or functionality of a screen, what each fields should have, etc. then user can use F1 key to open help menu.

5. Ctrl + End – To navigate to last record in the finder screen. Suppose if an Order have 500 records in the database, so when user click on finder button in the document number and want to navigate to last Order then he/she  can use Ctrl + End keys to do the same.

6. Alt + Character Name – Is used to navigate to button, Tabs and file menu. Each button has its own short cut key. Hence, to navigate through the buttons on UI user can use Alt + Character Name to directly go to that button and to perform its action.

Say for an instance, Post button can be clicked using ALT+ S. Also menu bar can be access by Alt+ Character Name i.e. file menu can be access by pressing ALT+F.

Also Read:

1. Use Multiple Windows in Sage 300 ERP
2. User Role and Security Application in Sage 300 ERP
3. Security Application in Sage 300 ERP
4. Cannot Login to Sage 300 ERP due to User Limitation
5. “You do not have a license to use this product” Error in Sage 300 ERP