Sage 300 ERP a has wide range of reports which give detailed information about AR Transactions. Aged Trial Balance report is one of them which lists accounts receivable with outstanding balance by age buckets (30\60\90 days etc.). This report provides different options like printing report in detailed form, listing all outstanding documents for each customer, or summary form, printing one line for each customer number, including the current balance and the balance in each aging period.
Sage 300 ERP allows users to change the Customer Account Set while creating AR Transactions (Invoice/Credit/Debit Note). When you filter AR Aged Trial Balance Report on the basis of Account Set, report will still print the data on the basis of Account Set from Customer master.
We have customized the standard report to filter data on basic of Transaction Level Account Set.
New Stuff: Sage 300 ERP Project and Job Costing Settings
This report allows users to print the AR Aged Trial Balance Report filtered on account set at transaction level.
Contact us at if you wish to have more information on the same.