AP Options – Allow Edit of Statistics in Sage 300 ERP

By | October 7, 2015

To extend our discussion further from our previous blog  on Manage AP Vendor and Vendor Group Statistics in Sage 300 ERP, we will discuss about feature of Sage 300 ERP to see how to Edit the Vendor and Vendor Group Statistics under AP Options.
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In order to access this feature you need to navigate to Account Payables –> A/P Setup –> Options –> Processing Tab.  Kindly refer the screenshot for the same.
Allow Edit of Statistics- Uncheck
1. If User uncheck the option “Allow Edit of Statistics” in AP Options screen under Processing Tab, then user will not be able to Edit the statistics of the corresponding entries in the grid Under the statistics tab for A/P Vendor Groups and Vendor.
AP Vendor Groups
AP Vendor Groups
Above Screen shows Edit of Statistics for the corresponding entries in the grid are disabled for AP Vendor Groups.
AP Vendors
AP Vendors
Above Screen shows Edit of Statistics for the corresponding entries in the grid are disabled for AP Vendor.
2. If User Check’s the option “Allow Edit of Statistics” in AP Options screen under Processing Tab, then user will be able to Edit the statistics of the corresponding entries in the grid Under the statistics tab for A/P Vendor Groups and Vendor.
Allow Edit of Statistics
Before Edit
Before Edit
Above Screen shows Edit of Statistics for the corresponding entries in the grid are Enabled.
After Edit
After Edit
Above Screen shows Edit of Statistics for the corresponding entries in the grid are Enabled.
Comparing Before Edit and After Edit shows respective change in the Entry for Amount for Invoices has also updated the Year to date.
In similar way we can edit the other statistics for the respective vendor.
This is how one can Edit the statistics of the corresponding entries in the grid for a record.
Also Read:
1. Manage AR Item Statistics in Sage 300 ERP
2. Retainage Accounting
3. Default Settings for Accounts Payable Payments in Sage 300 ERP
4. Account Set wise Filter in AP Aged Payable Report
5. Terms Code feature in Account Payable in Sage 300 ERP