GUMU™ for Sage 100 ERP to Sage 300 ERP is a Sage certified Migration solution. Greytrix is a pioneer in providing migration services at its Sage Migration Centre and catering end-users business requirements. Data migration is always a challenging task to perform. We migrate data with the help of our Sage certified migration utility in accordance to our well defined migration process.
Here, in this post will discuss about some scenarios which we encounter while migration the data from Sage 50 US (Peachtree) to Sage 300 ERP.
Sage 50 US allows making payment against credit note. But as per the Sage 300 standard functionality, it will not allow making payment against credit note (-ve amount). So in our migration process, we handle this scenario as we apply debit note against payment applied on –ve amount in Sage 50.
In the below screen we can see that the payment is applied on credit note (refer below screenshot)

And in the below screenshot you can see that we have applied Debit note against –ve payment.

Like this way we migrate payment applied on credit note in sage 50 to Sage 300 ERP.