Bank Services module in our Sage 300 ERP centralizes payments and receipts for all Sage 300 accounting programs. It maintains bank information, tracks payments and receipts, reverses payments, returns NSF items, performs reconciliations with bank statements, and creates General Ledger batches for information from bank statements and miscellaneous monthly transactions. The master screen, Bank, stores all the important information related to the banks that the organization maintains.
We have developed a utility that will enable the organization to check and get this data available on a single click. In this blog, we are going to introduce the Bank Master Export Utility where the user can use this utility to export the detailed data of Bank. The utility has below Filter criteria:
New Stuff:- AP Misc. Payment Export utility
- From and To Bank code
The report data will be produced as an MS-Excel exported file based on the user-specified Range of Bank Codes.
Please refer below screenshot of the user interfaces for the “Bank Master Export Utility”.

As you can see in the above screenshot user will be able to specify ‘From’ and ‘To’ Bank code. Based on the same, the report will generate required data in Excel format at desired path which user will enter in the ‘Select File’ field. After entering the excel file path as well as range of Bank code user will be able to export the data. Once the data is exported successfully user can access that excel file by click of single button.
Below is the excel-based generated output of the “Bank Master Export” report: –

This report includes following fields from Bank screen and can be modified according to your requirement.
- Bank Code.
- Bank Description.
- Transit Number.
- Bank Account Number
- Bank Account
- Address (Full Address, City, Country, state, Zip Code, telephone,Fax.)
- Current Balance.
In this way user can fetch the required Bank data which serves the purpose of this utility.