SageCRM Merge Tool

By | June 8, 2009

Greytrix had released GUMU for SageCRM – ACT! and GUMU for SageCRM – Goldmine and got a excellent response from the reseller community in terms of functionality and ease of use. They especially liked the option where the user could migrate multiple source (ACT! or Goldmine) into a single instance of SageCRM by using the GUMU tool. There were instances where there were multiple salespersons out there that could have the same customer in each of their database copies. GUMU migration did the job of getting the data in SageCRM but what about the duplicate company records that would be created.

I must tell you that updating and merging close to 10000 records in SageCRM is not one of the most exciting. Greytrix releases another add-on that will merge all the duplicate SageCRM companies based on the company name and duplicate persons in a company based on the person’s name. The tool also re-links all the communications, opportunities, cases etc to the parent record.

Now it is quite obvious that the linking criteria may vary from company to company. Hence Greytrix is ready to modify the tool based on the criteria specified by the user. For instance there was scenario where the customer wanted to merge the records based on company name and state code set in the primary address or there was a requirement where the client wanted to merge the records in a Sage Accpac ERP integrated database based on customer number.

So if you have any specific criteria then we can always customize the integration tool for you.

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