Feature of Search Select Advance Field ….Do you know this?

By | June 12, 2009

Well, this is something related to the Basic Screen Level Customizations through ASP pages.

You know that you can create a screen using an entrygroup block. After that you can make use of the eWare.GetBlock(“entry”) method to add various text fields, selection fields etc, but have you ever tried adding a Search Select Advance field using eWare.GetBlock(“entry”) method???

You must have observed that there are few limitations on using a Search Select Advance (SSA) field with the eWare.GetBlock(“entry”) method. So what would be our next option to add these fields on the screen.

You can use following two ways to add SSA field in the Entry Group block.

1. YourEntryBlock.AddEntry(Entry field name, Position, NewLine): Allows new entries to be added dynamically to EntryGroups.


2. eWare.GetBlock(Entry field Name): Used to add any type of blocks as well as fields to display in the screen.

ssaBlock = eWare.GetBlock(‘Comp_testSSA’);

If you find this useful, Please drop us a mail on crm@greytrix.com.