Hello Everyone! 🙂 As we all know, Sage CRM is getting enhanced day by day with its advanced level features as well as easy to access facility. And in today’s world when it comes to portability, product which could be accessible through mobile apps is one of the main requisite in demand. Sage CRM has also managed its accessibility through mobile apps for iPhone, Android etc. However in below article, I will share one of my experience where I was struggling to download data through CRM app.
New Stuff: Stay updated with your Remaining Forecasted Quota in Sage CRM 7.3
One of our client had installed the Sage CRM app for iPhone. After making all the necessary settings he was able to login into CRM app via On-Premise. However, in order to sync the CRM data into app it was necessary to download data after logging in for the first time. But every time on clicking the download data option an alert was displayed as ‘Some Error Occurred’.
On analyzing and following many of the blogs and forums, we came do know that Sage CRM mobile app’s working depends on “SDATA” functionality. To verify “SDATA” functionality of Sage CRM we checked the below mentioned options-
1. Sage CRM Apache Tomcat service
2. Interactive Dashboard is working or not on accessing CRM from internal and external network.
3. Below given parameters are configured against User in CRM
a. Administration->System->Web Services->Enable web services: Yes
b. Administration->System->Web Services->Make WSDL available to all: Yes
c. Administration->System->Web Services->Force webservice log on: Yes
d. Administration->Users->[USERNAME]->External Logon Allowed (if available): True
e. Administration->Users->[USERNAME]->Mobile Device Access: True
f. Administration->Users->[USERNAME]->Allow WebService Access: True
4. “SDATA” is working or not using below given URL:
URL:http://<ServerIPORServerName>/sdata/<Instance Name>j/sagecrm/-/$schema
5. Sage CRM app “SDATA” URL is working or not using below given URL :
a. http://<ServerIPORServerName>/sdata/<Instance Name>j/sagecrm/-/mpersonalldetails
b. http://<ServerIPORServerName>/sdata/<Instance Name>j/sagecrm/-/moppolist
c. http://<ServerIPORServerName>/sdata/<Instance Name>j/sagecrm/-/mCalendarview
d. http://<ServerIPORServerName>/sdata/<Instance Name>j/sagecrm/-/mlistcommunication
On performing Step#5, we faced below given issue for ‘mPersonAllDetails’ and ‘mOppoList’ URL.
Resource kind does not exist. Errorcom.sage.crm.sdata.exception.SageResourceKindNotFoundException: Resource kind does not exist
After troubleshooting this error we came to know that ‘mPersonAllDetails’ and ‘mOppoList’ view was not created while installing the Sage CRM 7.3 for iPhone and Android Component in CRM. In order to rectify this issue, we modified/created these particular views in backend. Refreshing the views later made CRM accessible through mobile apps perfectly.
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