Hello everyone, in this blog we will be looking at the issue which appears on SSA (Search Selected Advance) field. SSA field has a feature which creates a link between CRM table to a parent table.
New Stuff: Identifying Views to Create Reports in Sage CRM
Well, while clicking on Finder button of SSA field in CRM I was getting an error which says “Invalid Column Project” in SQL log file. After verifying the log file I got to know that Project is nothing but the table name which was getting tagged under SQL query.
On checking the translations I found entries are missing for mentioned caption family SS_Searchtables, SS_Entities, SS_IdFields, and SS_ViewFields. Please refer below given screen for your reference.
After adding the required translations for all the caption family I am able to view the records by clicking on Finder button. You can also refer below link to see how we can link SSA field with external table/database.
Happy Configuration 🙂
Also Read:
1. Control Display Format of Search Select Advanced fields in Sage CRM-II
2. Adding Search Select Advanced Field on Web Order Entry Screen
3. Increase number of records in Search Select Advanced field
4. Adding Hyperlink on Search Select Advanced Field in View Mode
5. Linked Search select advanced fields on custom entity screen
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