Enable Workflow against Quotes entity in Sage CRM

By | December 29, 2016

As we all know, business process flow is managed with the help of Workflows in Sage CRM which is by default enabled for primary entities. We can also enable workflow for Secondary or Custom entities with the help of below article posted by Jeff.
Well, one of our client came with a requirement that, he has some business process which revolves around Quote entity. So we need to incorporate by enabling workflow. For this, we moved to Administration | Advanced Customization | Workflow and created Quotes Workflow. Then at the time of creating workflow rules we came to know that, Quotes Table is not available in the Table selection as displayed in below screenshot.
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So, to enable the same we followed below steps:
1. Updated the metadata table “Custom_SysParams” with the help of below query.
update Custom_SysParams set parm_value=’Y’ where Parm_Name=’AllowWorkflowForQA’
2. Gave metadata refresh by navigating to Administration -> System -> Metadata.
After following above steps, we were able to select Quotes table option from Table Selection field as displayed in below screenshot.
Now, you can create the required rules and the workflow will be available on the Quotes Summary screen.
Also Read:
1. How to enable Quotes & Orders tab against Opportunity?
2. Calculate CST for Quotes through Sage CRM
3. Clone Quotes and Orders in Sage CRM
4. Enable Workflow Capability to an existing Entity
5. Workflow Action Screen Customization using Client side scripting