Upgrading SageCRM to 6.1? Attention: – few nVarchar fields in SageCRM 6.0 are now Changed to nText in SageCRM 6.1
During a development session at our end, we came to know about these changes in SageCRM v6.1.
Some of the fields from table Custom Captions were of type “nVarChar” up to version 6.0 of SageCRM. Now they are changed to type “nText”.
Problem area: Suppose you have created a CustomView and used this nVarChar type field in that view and now you have upgraded the CRM to v6.1 then you might face an SQL error when this view will get used.
Example: We have created a custom view for CustomCaptions and added the Capt_code field value for distinct records. When we designed this view; the field was of type of nVarchar and when we upgraded the system to v6.1 now it becomes nText. When user tried using the area where this custom view was used CRM thrown a SQL error.
Solution: After investigation; what we have found that it is giving an error because of Type change and now we need to do Type cast of this field while using the same in view. We did the type casting for that field in View and Error resolved.