As per Standard functionality of SageCRM , we can send E-mail to the person by entering his Email Id in “To” field. But can you Show the selected person Email id in “To” field from Custom Grid? Well, the answer is Yes. In this blog I would like to present the easy and simple way to handle this.
To do the same, Consider the following scenario.
1. Suppose you have a Custom Grid in which you are showing the list of Persons.
2. A checkbox is provided to select the person from the list.
3. Send E-mail button is also provided on your Grid that calls the Standard “Send E-mail” screen.
4. On click of Send E-mail button an Email should be sent to all Persons that are selected in your Grid.
5. Now, you just need to fetch the Person Email Id from Grid and set this value in the” &comm_to” field and Redirect the Person Email Id along with Standard Send Email Screen as shown below.
Here, the page is redirected to standard E-mail Screen along with lc_EmailAddress that contains the E-mail Id of the person that are checked in Custom Grid. Once, you are done with this, SageCRM standard functionality automatically handles the action of Send E-mail button.