When it comes to client side add-ons with web application, it always becomes difficult to set them up due to security restrictions. Outlook integration is one of such functionality provided by Sage CRM which hugely depends on client environment. Over last few days we have posted series of blogs on classic Outlook integration plugin using our support teams expertise gained while addressing such cases. So thought of creating a troubleshooting guide where you can find reference to all the write-ups.
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Let’s start off with how to install Outlook integration on latest version of Sage CRM (7.2). Below given blog will walk you through the steps.
Installing Outlook integration with SageCRM 7.2
Now let’s have a look at the features it offers. Here is the feature overview on Outlook integration plugin.
Features of Outlook integration with SageCRM 7.2
Let’s talk about the limit on number of e-mails that can be filed.
Outlook integration – Limit on number of emails that can be filed
Here is how you can uninstall the classic Outlook integration plugin.
Outlook Integration – Uninstalling integration setup from Outlook
How to set it up with latest versions of outlook (2013)
Sage CRM with Outlook 2013 classic integration
Related – For some looking to integrate with the new Office 365, here’s one as well..
Integrating Sage CRM with office 365 using Stunnel
Also Read:
1) Processing Inbound Emails using Rule-sets
2) SMTP details for Custom Emails from COM API
3) Disallow sending emails using outlook
4) Embedded Images in Email Templates
5) Sending email in CRM through COM API and creating email out communication