Tag Archives: copy

Copying Opportunity and Quotes

We all know the standard functionality of Quote Cloning of Sage CRM in which quote gets copied within same opportunity. However there are some limitations here. In standard functionality we cannot copy quotes across companies. Recently, we came across a requirement from one of our client whose requirement was to Copy Existing Quote from Source… Read More »

Create Same Company in another Database

When you create a company in your CRM database and at the same time looking to create the same company in another CRM database, then you can do this by defining below trigger for your source database: CREATE TRIGGER trig_insert_CompanyON [CRMSOURCEDB].[dbo].[Company]FOR INSERTAS DECLARE @Company_Id AS INTEXEC @Company_Id = [CRMDESTDB].dbo.eware_get_identity_id ‘Company’ INSERT [CRMDESTDB].dbo.Company (comp_companyid,comp_name,comp_type)SELECT @Company_Id,comp_name,comp_typeFROM inserted