UNIQID is used to generate a sequence of unique long integers for each Adonix table.
New Stuff: How to conditionally restrict the import update
UNIQID ( class )
While UNIQID is used to have a unique number for a given table opened previously; these numbers are assigned sequentially and therefore they can be used as an access key to the file.
These numbers are kept by copy, extraction, restoration and revalidation of the table.
Warning! This number sequence does not need to be consecutive. For instance, there is no number retrieval further to a Rollback.
The result type is Integer.
For a newly created table, numbers are assigned from number 1 and then it will be incremented sequentially. the current number is kept, if a table is reset to 0, the numbers are reassigned starting from 1. There is no other way to decrement this sequence of numbers.
The numbers assigned sequentially cannot be reassigned if a transaction is aborted by Rollback. To implement this kind of function, if all the numbers should be assigned, it is recommended to resort to counters (for instance, a main counter and a grid containing the aborted numbers to be reassigned in priority).
The uniqid instruction is executed even if the table is locked.
The uniqid instruction does not update the [S]fstat variable.
Dysfunctioning generated by the sequences of the database
There is a problem if the sequence no longer exists. ERP X3 sends an error message linked to the database. Then the database log file needs to be referred to for further details.
Since sequences are used for generating unique keys, if the uniqid function returns a value lower than the last one to be recorded, ERP X3 will display an error message of the type”Key does not exist in the table”. In that case, the sequence needs to be updated.
How to check the validity of a table sequence?
Example of the “EMPDETAIL” table of a “DEMO” folder
How can I assign the correct value back to the sequence?
# By proceeding with the process started above.
# The most simple solution is to ensure that there is only one user on this particular file
If nbruser > 1: Errbox ‘You are not the only user of this folder!’ : End: Endif
While uniqid([EMP]) <MAXA: Wend
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