Sometimes, you want to delete the address of a customer or Supplier or BP which is wrong or you want to change the address or you want to delete the address for some other reason. You can follow the below steps to check if the address can be deleted.
If you need to delete a Supplier address for example:
Go to Common Data > BP’s > Suppliers
If this address was created just by accident or some other reason and it has not been used anywhere or in any transaction then go to the address line and click on action button on the line level and click on delete and this address will be deleted.
But if it is the Default address then first you need to make another address default address. So, if you already have another address for this Customer/Supplier/BP then make that address the default address. However if there is no other address you need to create a new address and make it the default address, in that case create a new address, enter the necessary address details click on the “Default address” check box to make it the default address and click on save. Now the address you want to delete is not the default address.
Try to delete the address again by clicking on the delete button on the address line level, a message will popup as demonstrated in the below screenshot. This address was used for the Invoicing BP and Pay to BP which explains the message below.
Next go to the Financials tab and change the address in the 2 blocks next to Invoicing BP and Pay-to as shown below and click on Save, to save the changes.
The new addresses will be saved as you can see in the below screenshot.
Now go to Addresses tab, click on line level action button and click on delete the below message will popup, which means that this address is used on the BP record.
Now go to the BP record (Go to Common Data > BPs > BPs) if you have another address here make that one the default address, however if you do not have any other address then create another, save and make it the default address, and then attempt to delete the address there– unfortunately the message below means that this address has been used in transactions and therefore cannot be deleted. The customer addresses cannot be deleted if the address has been used in any transaction.
Hence this address cannot be deleted since it has been already used in transactions, so what you can do here is remove this address as the default address and do not use it in any further transactions.
Unfortunately addresses that have been used in transactions cannot be deleted.
If an address was just created by accident or was created and has not been used anywhere then it can be deleted by first making another address default address then clicking on the line level delete button in BP or Customer, but if the address is used in any transactions then it cannot be deleted.