Print server is hosted on a machine running a Windows Server operating system. There can be multiple print servers per solution depending on volume requirements for printing.
The Print server supports all print requests from interactive sessions as well as batch submissions and sends the files to the appropriate print destination (printer, file, PDF etc.).A windows service is started on the computer that hosts the Print server. This service is on port number 1890 by default, but it can be customized during installation. The print service manages an output queue of the requests submitted, and the execution of these reports can be dispatched on several editing processes or threads. The number of editing processes can be customized in the Configuration Console and must be adapted to the size of the server. The Print server communicates with two other servers in your environment: the Application server that hosts the printing model and the Database server that hosts the tables via an ODBC connection. The report files are transferred using the SADFSQ internal communication protocol. The print server embeds a SADFSQ client able to address and communicate with a SADFSQ server running on the Application and Main Process server.
Reports are designed using Crystal Reports 2008, (version 12.x) or Crystal Reports.
Configuring secondary print servers and locally attached printers
This section covers the setup of a secondary print server in “Quick Start” format. For a detailed explanation of the underlying technology and what’s happening behind the scenes see the subsequent sections.
A secondary print server is a system that directly hosts a printer. In many situations it can be a dedicated server, however, a secondary server can also be a desktop system hosting a directly attached USB printer. If this printer is to be controlled and tracked by PaperCut NG/MF, a small monitoring component needs to be installed. The monitoring component intercepts the local printing and reports this use back to the primary Application Server. A secondary server can be either :
A server style system hosting many printers.
A desktop style system hosting printer(s) also shared to other network users.
A desktop style system with the printer used only for local users (not shared).
The monitoring service is also referred to as a Print Provider as its task is to provide information back to the main Application Server.
The process of setting up a secondary print server, depends on the operating system.
Steps to install print server on different server other than Application Server:
- Create Power users with same credentials as per the application server.
- Install JDK .
- Install AdxAdmin.
- Install Print Server Component.
Now, follow below steps on how to link print server which is installed on different server with application server.
- Open the Console.
- Click on the Print Server component.
- Click on Add new print server option.
- login window will get displayed on the screen.
- In that , enter the IP of the second printer which is installed on different server. and then enter power user name and password in the username and password field.
- Enter all the parameters.
- Click on configuration button.
- After configuration , click on print server publication.
- Click on Add button.
- Now select the folder on which you want to add new print server.
- Click on Publication button.
By doing above steps, we can install the new print server on different server and linked with the main application server.