Error: “Too Many Tables open” in Sage X3

By | May 26, 2021

Sometimes In sage X3, Developers can do customization within sage x3 using development module and in that they need to open some tables to do some customization in sales quote or sales order or delivery as well as in sales invoice or any sage x3 module.

Sometimes we need to follow sequential operation means first we create sales quote then we create sales order from that sales quote then we need to create transaction from delivery screen then we create invoice for that delivery. In this case, At a time three to four screens like sales order, sales quote, sales delivery and sales invoice. When we open the screen, Standard opens their standard tables for sales quote, sales order, delivery and sales invoice so standard automatically creates invoice using that open tables. These tables will close only when we close those screens.

 So, in this situation sometimes we face an error like “Too many tables open” as shown in figure 1 and stopped the working of standard and crashes the screen. This error arises when a number of tables are opened at a time and not closed ahead. This is a standard error that which occurred when standard finds that many tables are opened.

To solve this error, we need to follow following steps:

  1. Follow the below path to open the Folders screen to solve this error.
    Setup > General parameters > Folders

        In the setup module, In general parameters open the folder generation screen.

  • Go to the Miscellaneous tab and change the value of open tables.

In Folder generation go to the Miscellaneous tab. In the miscellaneous tab there is a field named as ‘Open tables’ as shown in figure 2.

We have to increase the value of open tables to solve this error. Just we need to increase the value of open tables and save it. We do not need to do the folder validation. Only you need to save it. When you save it populates one message that is File APL.ini modified as shown in figure 3. It means changes are reflected and saved properly.

Now If we follow same procedure to create sales invoice through sales quotes, sales order and delivery sequentially then it does not show any error because now we have increased the value of open tables so at a time that number of tables which is shown in open table field that number of tables can be open at a time. In figure 2 . Value of open tables are 300 so standard can allow 300 tables to be opened at a time.

In this way, by doing above steps we can solve this error.