Multi print server instances on same server

By | October 25, 2021

The Print server supports all print requests from interactive sessions as well as batch submissions and sends the files to the appropriate print destination (printer, file, PDF etc.).A windows service is started on the computer that hosts the Print server. This service is on port number 1890 by default, but it can be customized during installation. The print service manages an output queue of the requests submitted, and the execution of these reports can be dispatched on several editing processes or threads. The number of editing processes can be customized in the Configuration Console and must be adapted to the size of the server. The Print server communicates with two other servers in your environment: the Application server that hosts the printing model and the Database server that hosts the tables via an ODBC connection.

In the latest configuration console, you can configure multiple print server instances running on the same server.

Each instance can run with its environment using a different language or time zone.

This feature:

  • Decreases the cost of the solution by running more print server instances on a single server.
  • Simplifies report management when a customer has different time zones or languages.
  • Several service ports for the same print server.
  • Each service port can be run by a different Windows user.
  • Locale of a Windows account user is applied on the delivered X3 reports via the service port.
  • Allow multiple printing services without having to install new physical or virtual servers and pay for MS Windows licenses.


  • You must deploy Print server 2.24 with Console 2.51.
  • Print server 2.24 and Console 2.51 require .Net framework 4.7.2.

Click the ‘services’ icon of the configuration console general tool bar to display a grid where all Windows services of the Sage X3 Print Server are listed as shown in below figure.

Configuration console version V2.51 and higher enables the Administrator to add new Print server instances. Each instance has its profile settings that specify the SAGE X3 solution folders and the Windows service port that publishes them. The Service port is identified by a name, a port number, a path to executable, and a Windows user account to connect with.
New buttons are added like Add server profile and Remove server profile, have been added to the configuration console general tool bar when the ‘Sage X3 Print Server’ panel is active, as shown below figure:

Default Profile:

After implementing the Print server component, the first service configuration and folders publication constitute the default print instance; and its settings represent the default profile identified by ‘DEFAULT’ on the tree view display panel. The DEFAULT profile is considered as the template for future profiles to be created.

The DEFAULT profile serves as template. It is duplicated to create the new profile named ‘NEW’ for a new print instance on the same Sage X3 print server. In the display panel, the tree view shows the X3 print server and all profiles with their respective published solutions and folders.

The newly created profile name is displayed in orange color as service is in an idle status while related folders are already added and published. The service port is automatically positioned on the next available number and set on the Windows user account of the default profile service.

All settings of the newly created profile can be modified before launching the configuration process that activates the profile and starts the service. An active profile is displayed in the tree view in the system color on a blank background.

This is how user can user multi print server instances on same server.