As seen in our previous blog, we discussed about warning message validation on credit note as per the financial year. Today we are going to discuss another customization on the Sales Order screen which is very useful to users in their business process for customer transactions.
One of our client has requested to have some warning alerts for users when discount defined at customer master does not matched with the discount given during sales order creation. So to achieve this, we have added new customized field name as “Allowed Discount” on customer master. Please refer below screen shot:
New Stuff: Duplicate PAN Number Validation on Customer Master in Sage X3
Let say suppose, user has added ‘Allowed discount’ amount 10 in the customer master. In this case, user can enter discount value either 0 or 10 during Sales order creation. If user enter discount other than that then warning message will get pop-up. Lets see by doing the sales order transaction.
In above screenshot, user has added allowed discount as 10 for customer C01010001. Now when user tries to create sales order and enter discount amount as 8, customization checks the discount value defined at customer master which is 10 and does not match with it so warning message get pop up “User has provided discount, hence the order requires approval. Kindly review and approve the same to proceed.”
So even if Sales order with multiple products will work in similar fashion. Suppose sales order has 5 different products and user has given same discount at each line, then order will get created without any warning but if any one of the line has different discount value then warning message will appear as shown in the above screen shot. But please note that, it will not restrict users to create sales order as warning message is just for user information.
By using this customization, users can identify whether discount given at sales order is correct or not.