Sage X3 has master screens like Product master, Supplier master, Customer master etc.. where we can save information about object, means in product master we can save data about product, in supplier master we can save information about supplier like wise.
So as per the client’s requirement, we have added PAN No field at customer master where user can enter Customer PAN no and same has to be shown at the report level. Along with this, client also wanted to add validation in such a way that there should be Unique PAN number for each customer. So even if user tried to enter PAN number which is already been used for other customer then system should give error or pop up saying PAN number is already used, please enter correct PAN number. This will also help users to avoid mistake by entering duplicate PAN number.
So for this requirement we have added “After Change(AM_XXX)” action on PAN number field on Customer master screen and written a script for duplicate PAN no validation. Programmatically we have checked the BPCUSTOMER table and searched whether the same PAN number is already been used or not. You need to make sure, the validation should work while adding new customer as well as modifying the existing customer.
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As you can see we have entered Duplicate PAN No in the customer master. So as per functionality error message will be generated as shown in the below screenshot:

In this way, we can add validation on any field to check duplication for the entered value in Sage X3.