Sage X3 provide us multiple functions that can be triggered through signature management workflow. Here we will see some of them which are useful on sales order. As we know once we create a sales order the credit limit of customer gets updated. There can be a business requirement where user wants the credit limit of customer to be updated once the order is completely verified, i.e. once the order is completely signed. We will check how this can be done in sage X3 version 12.
If we want to update the credit limit of customer after all the level of users have approved the user we need to follow the below steps.
Navigate: Setup ->General parameter -> parameter values -> VEN sales
Jump to details of ‘APP’ group and check the parameter ‘SOHAPPOST’.

If we set this parameter ‘YES’, the credit limit of customer will be updated on the order creation. Though the workflow is on and no user have approved the sales order, still standard will update the credit limit of the customer.If workflow is turned off the credit limit will get updated on the order creation itself.
If we set this parameter ‘NO’, the credit limit of the customer will not be modified on the order creation or the order is partly signed. It will get updated only when the sales order is completely signed.
As standard has declared the action of updating on the workflow rules itself therefore we can modify the working of this action. Which means if we want to update the credit limit on a signature of particular user but here the user is not last signer i.e. on partly signed. To perform this modification follow the below steps.
Navigate: Setup -> Workflow -> workflow rules.
Select SOHSIGVAL workflow code and click on action tab. Here, DIVSOHOST is the action which updates the credit limit after the user approves the order. Make the changes to its execution condition as per the requirement so that it can be triggered while a specific user approves the workflow.

Another functionality that can meet a business requirement in sales order workflow is closing an order completely if the order is rejected i.e. not approved. To enable this functionality we need to follow the below steps.

Navigate: Setup -> General parameter -> parameter values -> VEN sales
Jump to details of ‘APP’ group and check the parameter ‘SOHAPPCLE’.

If we turn on this parameter by setting it to ‘YES’ we can enable the functionality i.e. closing the order if any of the user rejects the workflow. Standard has placed this action in ‘SOHSIGREJ’ workflow rule. In the action tab ‘DIVSOHCLE’ is the action declared to close the order if it is rejected by any reason. We can change the execution condition as required.
Hence this two functions sage X3 provide us in sales order signature management workflow.