A Work order is an order to make one or more products. Conventionally, the work order uses a bill of materials (BOM) to create a list of materials to be issued, and a routing to make a list of operations to be performed on work centers.
Basically, work order uses a bill of materials (BOM) to create a list of materials to be issued, and a Routings to make a list of operations to be performed on work centers. An operational routing defines the formalization of the steps required for a manufactured product (finished or semi-finished).
In Sage X3 there is standard functionality from where we can create the Purchase order(Subcontract operation) through the work order. A subcontract operation can be planned. Subcontract is the term used to describe the purchase of a service for carrying out an operation for a work order. The subcontract operation time is updated with the reorder lead time planned in the purchase record of the subcontracted product; the work centres is replaced by the subcontract work centres planned for the operation. You can also enter details for, and then generate, a purchase order for a subcontract operation.
Below are the setup which needs to be done before creating Work order and PO against the same.
Step 1:
⦁ Product should be sub-contract product.
⦁ Create a Production BOM for this sub-contract product
⦁ Work centers type should be sub-contracting. Refer the below screenshot.
Note: User cannot enter a sub contract product if the user does not use sub-contract work centre.
⦁ Also do the routing of the BOM. On routing user will have to select sub-contract work centers and enter subcontract product also. Refer the below screenshot.
Step 2:
Now, create a Work order for respective BOM product.
⦁ Enter mandatory fields values
⦁ Enter parent product on header level grid
⦁ After entering parent product user can in the data in components and operations tab
⦁ User can see the work centers and sub-contract product fields value in line level of operation section as shown in below figure,
⦁ Create a work order
⦁ After creation of Work order user will able to see Order option on the action button of operation line.
After clicking on order option below window get populate,
Click on the Order button as shown in above figure and below log file will get generated with generated purchase order (With subcontract product).
Now purchase order got successfully created.
After creation of Purchase order, you can see the Line status as ‘Ordered’ on Operation line level and can see the released product situation with the help of subcontracted operation situation which is present on action button of operation line.
With the help of above steps user can create purchase order from work order.