During stock reordering, this function is used to perform and validate stock change movements, as well as the reordering of stock locations.
Reorder requirements can originate from shortages of different types:
• Replenish-able locations
• Consumption areas
• Shortages on location.
In the reorder plan, the types to be processed depend on the setup of the entry transaction. The site is mandatory. It is used to filter the stock lines for the selected storage site.
A storage list number can be entered or not depending on the desired operating mode. The site is mandatory. It is used to filter the stock lines for the selected storage site. A storage list number can be entered or not depending on the desired operating mode. If it is not specified, selection criteria can be entered via the start/end range before using button “Search” in order for the grid to display the lines to be stored/reordered that need to be processed. A checkbox is used to select only lines having available stock. It is specified in order to recall a list that has already been created and processed, but has not been validated yet.
Consumption re-order area to be processed :
This grid contains the reorder requests corresponding to the selections made in the header.
The reorder types managed in the plan depend on the entry transaction that is used. They are displayed in block “Reorder origin”. The reorder plan displays the location change suggestions necessary for the reordering of locations where the stock is less than the reorder threshold. It makes use of the suggestions created in table STOREO during the launch of function “Pick location replenishment”.
To process one of these suggestions, it is necessary to select the line by double-clicking on field “Plan”. Upon selection, if “Automatic issue” is set to “Yes” in the entry transaction setup, an attempt is made by the system to find the appropriate stock line for the reordering of the location according to the allocation rules defined for internal movements (if the location is of internal type) or according to those defined for movements of subcontract type (if the location is of subcontract type).
It is also possible to proceed manually using menu “Field actions > Stock issues”. The issue window then opens and the stock lines to be moved can be selected.
The reorder plan displays the records created in table STOALL in case of shortages on locations or consumption areas, which are generated by sales orders or work orders. To process one of these reorder requests, it is necessary to select the line by double-clicking on field “Plan”. A window opens where it is possible to select the available stock lines to be moved to the locations for which there are shortages.
Reorder validation:
Validating the location suggestions and changes can be performed in one or two steps:
Either directly using button located at the bottom of the screen, or after physically performing the location change movements.
In this case, it is possible to mark the storage movements to be performed by assigning a Storage list number to them using button “Storage list”, located at the bottom of the screen. It is then possible to print this list so as to leave for the warehouse with a paper list. When validating in the system the storage movements that have been performed, it is necessary to recall this list in order for the grid to display all the lines of the storage list. Then the validation can be completed using button “Validate”. SEEREFERTTO This validation can also be performed using an ADC device.