How to add Signature workflow in Purchase Price List

By | June 30, 2023

Signature workflow is a feature provided by Sage for Automatic signature for a record if it is modified or created by the first level user defined in the Assignment rule. Once the user sign’s the record you will see “Signed” against the user and is processed to the next level of user for signature defined in the Assignment rule in Sage X3.

For one of our clients there was a requirement to add the signature workflow for the such that the Gross Price/ Price defined in the purchase price list doesn’t flow in any of the purchase transactions (Purchase Order, Receipt and Invoice) until the purchase price list has been approved.

To disable the price list we have added 3 custom fields ZPLISTRDAT (Validity Start Date), ZPLIENDDAT (Validity End Date) field and ZAPPFLG (Signed) in the Purchase price list header screen and disabled the standard field PLISTRDAT (Validity Start Date) and PLIENDDAT (Validity End Date).

On creation/ Modification of a purchase price list backdated value gets updated in the Std field PLISTRDAT and PLIENDDAT (01/01/1999) and the custom fields (ZPLISTRDAT (Validity Start Date) and ZPLIENDDAT (Validity End Date)) has the actual validity date range for the particular transaction. On approval the actual validity date in the custom fields (ZPLISTRDAT and ZPLIENDDAT) gets updated in the std field and the ZAPPFLG gets updated with the respective value from the local menu 280 (1: No, 2: In part, 3: In full) that makes the purchase price flow in the purchase transactions as intended.

Note: The Local Menu description may change based on the patch of X3.

New Stuff: Defaulting Screen/Mask fields in Sage X3

fig1 price list
fig1 price list

Create the main Workflow for Purchase price list management.

Step 1:
All -> Setup -> Workflow -> Workflow Rules
Create a Workflow rule with code ZPPLSIG (Create the duplicate of any standard workflow Ex: POHSIG and change required details) as below:

fig2 header
fig2 header

Step 2:
Create a Data Model with Template Code : ZPALPRI (Purchase Price list Data Model)
In the Links tab -> Main table as PPRICLIST.

fig3 data model
fig3 data model

Step 3:
Create an Assignment Rule with ZPALPRI (Purchase Price Assignment Rule) as below:

fig4 assignment rule
fig4 assignment rule

Click on values and assign the Assignment Rule as ZPALPRI.
In the Values section input the users codes.

Step 4:
Add the below header conditions for the workflow to be triggered.

fig5 header conditions
fig5 header conditions

Step 5:
Add Recipients in the Recipient tab and select “Yes” in Send mail field and “With signature” in Milestone field.

Step 6:
Set below in the Message Tab:
-Select Any in Management section
-Check Return Icon
Enter return function as GESPPL

Step 7:
Add below in the Context field of Milestone Tab:

Add the below details in the Answers of Milestone:

fig6 Milestone ans1
fig6 Milestone ans1

Create a workflow for Purchase Price No rule notification.
Step 1 :
Create a Workflow rule with ZPPLSIGNCR (Create the duplicate of any standard workflow Ex: POHSIGNCR and change required details)
-Event code as ZPPLSIG

Set the below conditions in the header:

Step 2:
Add Recipient in the Recipient tab and select “Yes” in Send mail field and “Yes” in Milestone field.

Step 3:
Set below in the Message Tab:
-Select Any in Management section
-Check Return Icon
-Enter return function as GESPPL

Similarly create a workflow for Purchase Price list signature.
Step 1:
Create a Workflow rule with ZPPLSIGVAL (Create the duplicate of any standard workflow Ex: POHSIGVAL and change required details)
-Event code as ZPPLSIG

Set the below conditions in the header:

Step 2:
Add Recipient in the Recipient tab and select “Yes” in Send mail field and “With signature” in Milestone field.

Step 3:
Set below in the Message Tab:
-Select Any in Management section
-Check Return Icon
-Enter return function as GESPPL
-Enter link key as “[F:PPL]PLI;[F:PPL]PLICRD

Step 4:
Set the blow in the Answers:

fig7 Answer1 ZPPLSIGVAL
fig7 Answer1 ZPPLSIGVAL

Step 5:
Create an Action as follows :
Enter action code as “ZPPUPDFLG1
Select template as “Outside model
Select Type as “Miscellaneous
Enter Standard script as SPEZPPUPDFLG1 and Subprograms as ZFLGUPDATE

Step 6:
Add ZPPUPDFLG1 Action in Action tab.

fig8 Action ZPPLSIGVAL
fig8 Action ZPPLSIGVAL

Explanation : We have added a custom action in the ZPPLSIGVAL workflow, since we need to update the standard fields of the the validity start and end date based on the date given in the custom field in the sales price list once the Signed field is in “In full” i.e ZAPPFLG is 3 or Signed is in “In part” i.e ZAPPFLG is 2.

We’ve added the 4GL code in SPEZPPPUDFLG1 and SPEPPL scripts to update the ZAPPFLG, PLISTRDAT and PLIENDDAT fields.