Automatic Packaging configuration at Product Site level

By | June 28, 2024

When the packaging capacity isn’t configured at the site level and there are multiple products involved in Sales Order Packaging, the process of manually setting up automatic packaging for each product can be incredibly time-consuming.

To streamline this and prevent the need for manual automatic packing at the packaging level, Sage X3 offers a feature that allows users to configure packaging settings directly at the product site level.

Below is the demonstration of process when the Packaging Capacity is “not set” at Site Level:

Go to Product Site

Fig 1: Product Site Navigation

We can see the Packaging Capacity is not set.

Fig 2: Packaging Capacity Blank

Now Create Order and on Order level the Packaging Capacity will show 0.

Fig 3: Packaging Capacity at Order Line Before Configuration

Allocate, Create Pick Ticket and create Packaging. On Packaging it will show in red.

Fig 4: Packing line in red

You would require to click on the three dots and select Automatic packing.

Fig 5: Automatic Packing

And then the packaging is done.

Fig 6: After Automatic Packing

Below is the demonstration of the process when the Packaging Capacity is “set” at Site Level:

Go to Product Site and set the Packaging Capacity and save as shown below.

Fig 7: Set Packaging Capacity

While Order creation the Packaging Capacity is auto populated at Order line.

Fig 8: Packaging Capacity at Order Line After Configuration

After this at the Packaging the Package is automatically done.

Fig 9: Packing lines in green

Thus, we have seen how we can set the Packaging capacity at site level. By implementing this feature, businesses can efficiently manage their packaging processes, saving time and resources while ensuring optimal operations in packaging of multiple products.