If we want a particular screen to open among several screens, where single object is bound with the multiple screens then Sage X3 provides a functionality for the same.
To access screen using Code check below link:
– https://www.greytrix.com/blogs/sagex3/2014/01/30/how-to-access-screen-using-code/
Now, let’s see how we will get the required screen based on certain conditions. If you have variable R1 and based on its value, you want to open an object based screen, where object is bound with multiple screens. E.g. take object as BOD which is bound with Commercial BOMs and Production BOMs.
Let’s say we want to open the Commercial BOMs screen when R1=1 else open Production BOMs screen.
Here is code:
If R1 =1
Local Char PARBOUT(250)(1..20)
Local Integer FLGEXE : FLGEXE = 1
PARBOUT(1) = “”
PARBOUT(3) = “”
Local Char PARBOUT(250)(1..20)
Local Integer FLGEXE : FLGEXE = 1
PARBOUT(1) = “”
PARBOUT(3) = “”
Explanation: If we noticed the code is same as opening the normal screen except few additional parameter where set is GFONCTION, GFONBOD, GDATEREF.
1) GFONCTION: In GFONCTION, set the function code of the screen which supposed to open, Say function code for opening the production screen is “GESBODP”.
2) GFONBOD: GFONBOD is a global variable, which is generally included in the variable section of the function and its value varies. GFONBOD variable is just name, you may create your own variable and use that variable in different functions, usually we create such variable to link a set of screen which we are supposed to open based on function code and variable value.
Say GFONBOD value for opening the production screen is “BOMP”.
3) GDATEREF: It’s just another global variable where we have to set its value to the current date.
4) PARBOUT(2): It consists of an object code, which may bound with set of screens.
Hope this blog helps!
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For more information on Sage X3 Integration and Services, please contact us at x3@greytrix.com .We will be glad to assist you.
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– How to open the object managed screen via code?
– How to access screen using Code?
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