Which Sage accounting system do you use? $240/user i

The integrations for Sage 100 and 300 are priced at $20/user calculated annually. For X3, the rate is $30/user/month calculated annually. For Sage Intacct and Acumatica the rate is $25/user/month calculated annually.

Number of Salesforce.com users i

A minimum of 5-users required for the GUMU™ Salesforce to Sage Accounting Integration.

Total for Subscriptions (Annual) i

The value here is a calculation based on the Sage accounting package selected and the number of users.

Installation & Setup i

While many Salesforce apps have no implementation fees, the GUMU™ does. This is because implementing the GUMU™ requires tasks to be completed by your IT team and by the accounting support team. Those tasks will be coordinated by us. Additionally, training is provided.

Quick Start General setup and configuration of sf (optional) i

If your organization is new to Salesforce, our implementation team can assist with the initial setup and training. Please review our Quick Start page for more details.

Total estimate on implementation services
Approximate Total Year 1 Investment for software & services
$ 10k

Note: Additional charges may apply for US local support beyond the base rate of $3,000

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